Have you heard about the Watch Hunger Stop campaign? The UN World Food Programme has teamed up with fashion designer, Michael Kors. His well known company aims to raise awareness to world hunger through this profoundly known campaign WATCH HUNGER STOP. This campaign will support WFP’s school meal programmes through the sale of a Michael Kors’ “Watch Hunger Stop” T-shirt. The campaign launched last year, in April 2013, and for every Michael Kors unisex watch sold, 100 children were fed. Now, with a new marketing goal that has launched, Michael Kors and WFP fight to continue to raise awareness to this important world issue. The campaign first benefited with the support from academy award-winning actress, Halle Berry. Now the campaign is being heard by powerful voices such as the talented and inspirational actress, Sophia Bush, and young Hollywood actress, Hailee Steinfeld. However, these aren’t the only celebrities who are supporting the cause. Supermodels- Lily Aldridge, Candice Swanepoel and Chrissy Teigen- have joined the campaign and are the new faces for the Watch Hunger Stop T-shirt promotion.

For more information about the campaign, interviews and videos visit http://destinationkors.michaelkors.com/kors-cares/watch-hunger-stop/

Yesterday was World Food Day and, in honor of that, Duo Domination wants to help spread the word of this incredible campaign. Everyday, we should all be thankful that we can start off the day with breakfast, pack a lunch for school or work and come home to a set plate on the dinner table. Think about how lucky you are and, for our fellow Canadians, who celebrated Thanksgiving last weekend, we should be even more thankful during this season. Next time you do not like what your mom made for dinner, eat it anyways because you are lucky enough to have a meal while somewhere, someone in the world is trying to fight starvation.

What Can YOU do?

This campaign is open to the public, allowing people to receive a free T-shirt from selected Michael Kors stores; starting October 16th to the end of the month. Pick up a T-shirt today and post your selfless selfie with the hashtag #WATCHHUNGERSTOP on any form of social media. How will that help? Well, for every selfless selfie posted under the hashtag, Michael Kors will personally donate 100 meals to WFP! When we heard about this campaign we were very inspired and thought it was such a creative and fun way to spread awareness to this truly important global issue. We hope that this campaign inspires you to do the same. With a simple upload (which I’m sure many people are used to doing) you can help feed 100 children. Think about how much you are helping from a single post! Imagine what we could do when we all work together. Not only will you be helping those in need, you will be helping yourself feel good. A simple, giving act goes a long way and in this case the power is in your hands. Help Michael Kors and WFP reach their goal of 10,000,000 meals. What’s the current update? So far the campaign has provided 5,300,000 meals. Help spread the word and fight world hunger by joining the cause today!

Find a participating store near you and pick up your free T-shirt. Hurry while supplies last! Here is a list of all the participating Michael Kors stores. http://f.michaelkorsemail.com/i/52/471778492/participating_WHS_tshirt_locations.html


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